PandalionCheese / Cheese

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Cheese App


This doc assumes you have : Git installed, NodeJS v8 (at least) / NPM installed and React Native CLI installed. But also the Android Studio dev environment to run emulator or run the app on your phone through adb commands (See for more info, tab 'Build with native code').

# Run in a terminal
git clone <git repo>
npm install

# In a terminal, run the packager to build Javascript sources - and keep it running while developing
npm run start

# In another terminal
react-native run-android (--variant=release) 
react-native run-ios --device "devideId"

Command to run to see React Native debug tools :

adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 && adb shell input keyevent 82

Build the App Package

Ensure that git directory is clean before running next commands with this : git status

When ready to build, first ensure you tagged the version of the app with the proper SemVer version, using the npm command npm version [major|minor|patch] (pick one of the 3)

git push origin master to send all modification to Github git push --tags to send the newly created tag to github

Then for Android, from the android folder, run the following command (npm run start command must be still running in the background): ./gradlew assembleRelease -x lintVitalRelease -PCHEESEAPP_RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD='<store_password>' -PCHEESEAPP_RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD='<key_password>'

The App must be signed by the appropriate keystore (See for more info), be sure to have it in the correct path to be found by gradle (currently : /android/app/cheese-app-release.keystore). The build will then be in ./android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/


If the need arises to change the app icon, use RN Toolbox to regenerate the icon set for android & ios : npm install -g yo generator-rn-toolbox and check the docs on github