PandemiaProject / pandemia

An individual-based pandemic simulator
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
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.. image:: :target: :alt: End to End tests

.. image:: :target: :alt: Unit Tests

.. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

About Pandemia

Pandemia is an individual-based stochastic pandemic simulator. It is currently a work in progress.

Pandemia is able to simulate and visualize the spread of an infectious disease across multiple geographical regions. The model is fast and scalable, able to simulate large numbers of individuals while supporting a wide range of adaptable features.

This software may be of interest to researchers looking to assess the impact of public health policy in the context of an infectious disease outbreak. The emergence and re-emergence of infectious diseases threatens the physical and mental health of people all over the world. Tools such as Pandemia can play a vital role in supporting pandemic preparedness and response.

Documentation for this project, including a detailed description of the methodology, can be found here <>_. A brief overview of the methodology can be found below.

The code is mixed Python and C.

Getting Started



To build C libraries:

.. code-block::


To install pandemia python package:

.. code-block::

pip install .


To run the homogeneous mixing scenario:

.. code-block::

pandemia Scenarios/Homogeneous/homogeneous_baseline.yaml

To run the heterogeneous mixing scenario:

.. code-block::

pandemia Scenarios/Heterogeneous/heterogeneous_baseline.yaml

To run the heterogeneous mixing scenario and save after the world building phase:

.. code-block::

pandemia Scenarios/Heterogeneous/heterogeneous_baseline.yaml heterogeneous_world.wld

To run the heterogeneous mixing scenario using the save, thereby skipping the world building phase:

.. code-block::

pandemia Scenarios/Heterogeneous/heterogeneous_baseline.yaml heterogeneous_world.wld

To configure a new scenario, the user can choose one of the YAMLs already provided, as a template, which they can then edit as necessary. These YAMLs are annotated with comments briefly explaining the meaning of each of the parameters.


In an individual-based model, the simultaneous actions and interactions of multiple individuals are simulated in an attempt to re-create and predict the emergence of complex phenomena resulting from their collective behaviour. This bottom-up approach contrasts with the top-down equation-based approach to epidemic modelling. While individual-based models are more computationally intensive, they provide the most realistic approximations of social interaction and infectious disease dynamics.

Pandemia is based on the \ ABMlux <>_ model of the COVID-19 pandemic in Luxembourg, developed in Luxembourg between July 2020 and February 2021, funded by the National Research Fund of Luxembourg. ABMlux was used in the article:

In that article, the authors simualated the first 6 months of the pandemic in Luxembourg. Pandemia is a far-reaching generalization of the ABMlux model.


The Pandemia simulator acts upon a World. A World consists of a number of objects of type Region and a Travel Matrix. The Travel Matrix represents the number of individuals travelling from each Region to each other Region each day. Each Region consists of individuals (referred to as agents), locations and activities. A World is built using a World Factory.

After the building, the World is then converted into a Vector World. This is done by converting each Region into a Vector Region. A Vector Region is a vectorized version of a Region\ , in which data is formatted as arrays of integers and floats, as opposed to Python lists and dictionaries. This facilitates interface with libraries of functions written in C.

Building the Clock and World are the first steps in building a Simulator. Once these objects are built, Pandemia then builds a number of objects of type Component. These components include models of:

The models provided support, for example, multiple strains, multiple vaccines, a novel approach to modelling the health of individuals and a complex representation of immunity. The policy maker component allows the user to specify a Policy\ , consisting of interventions. Featured interventions include:

Objects of type Reporter collect output data for visualization and analysis.

A number of World Factory and Component examples are provided for the user. In particular, for each Component\ , a default model is provided, as well as a void model in case the user does not wish for this component to be active during a simulation. Among the World Factory examples are Homogeneous and Heterogeneous. Both these factories build global models, using air travel data to configure travel between countries. However, whereas Homogeneous implements homogeneous mixing within each country, Heterogeneous implements a simple model of heterogeneous mixing, based on a gravity model and population density grids. Heterogeneous allows the user to limit the simulation to a chosen subset of countries. In particular, the user can run Heterogeneous on only a single country. For both of these world factories, the recommended scale factor is 0.0005.


Scenarios are configured using YAML. A scenario consists of a choice of world factory and a choice of model for each of the simulation components, together with configurations for each of these objects and the reporters. Example scenarios can be found in the Scenarios/ <Scenarios/>_ directory.

The homogeneous mixing scenario uses the Homogeneous world factory. In this scenario, individuals mix homogeneously within each region, with mixing between regions being determined using air travel data. Colouring regions according to prevalence, the scenario can be visualized as follows:

.. image:: docs/source/images/pandemia_homogeneous.jpg :target: docs/source/images/pandemia_homogeneous.jpg :alt: pandemia_homogeneous

The heterogeneous mixing scenario uses the Heterogeneous world factory. In this scenario, individuals mix heterogeneously within each region. Colouring grid squares according to the numbers infected, the scenario can be visualized as follows:

.. image:: docs/source/images/pandemia_heterogeneous.jpg :target: docs/source/images/pandemia_heterogeneous.jpg :alt: pandemia_heterogeneous

For each scenario, parameter values are set in the corresponding YAML file. For example, the Homogeneous config can be found here <Scenarios/Homogeneous/homogeneous_baseline.yaml>_ while the Heterogeneous config can be found here <Scenarios/Heterogeneous/heterogeneous_baseline.yaml>_.

Input Data

Input data for each scenario are found in the Scenarios/ <Scenarios/> directory. For example, all input data for the Homogeneous scenario are found in Scenarios/Homogeneous/data/ <Scenarios/Homogeneous/data>. All input data for the Heterogeneous scenario are found in Scenarios/Heterogeneous/data/ <Scenarios/Heterogeneous/data>_.

The Heterogeneous world factory uses the following grid data, available under a CC BY 4.0 license:

Center for International Earth Science Information Network - CIESIN - Columbia University. 2018. Gridded Population of the World, Version 4 (GPWv4): Population Density, Revision 11. Palisades, New York: NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC). Accessed 31 OCTOBER 2022.

Output Data

Output data are stored in an output directory, configured by the user in the reporters section of the scenario configuration. Output can include a csv file of the numbers infected with each strain, in each region each day, numbers of deaths, and plots in png format of infections and deaths over time. Real-time visualizations are also an option.


To install additional dependencies required for testing:

.. code-block::

pip install .[test]

Unit tests

Unit tests have been written using the standard pytest framework. To run the tests use:

.. code-block::


There are some failing tests which have identified know issues with the code. If, and only if, the issue has been logged as a GitHub Issue <>, then they can be mark as "expected failures", using pytest.mark.xfail <>. It is possible to force these tests to run by using pytest's --runxfail switch. eg:

.. code-block::

pytest --runxfail

Integration tests

Integration tests (and other tests which take a long time to execute) should be marked with the @pytest.mark.slow decorator, eg:

.. code-block:: python

@pytest.mark.slow def test_long_processing_time(): sleep(500)

These tests will not be run when pytest is called without arguments. (See pytest.ini <pytest.ini>_ for details). To execute these tests, use the -m slow argument. eg:

.. code-block::

pytest -m slow

All the scenarios files for integration tests are in ./Scenarios/Tests.

.. list-table:: :header-rows: 1

A number of other tests use the test_e2e_health_and_movement_model.yaml. These tests use the "DefaultHealthModel", "DefaultMovementModel" and the Default model for one other component (the "Void" models are used for the remaining components). The scenario config is read and patched using literals hardcoded in the tests in In most cases the expected results are in ./tests/e2e_expected_outputs in a csv file which takes its name from the test name (see for details). .. NOTE In many cases, these tests are not designed to be realistic, but to demonstrate particular aspects of the model. For example in some tests, individuals lose their immunity improbably fast, to ensure that plenty of reinfections are simulated.

The integration tests launch complete runs of pandemia and then compare the resulting output file with a set of "gold standard" files for each scenario. Occasionally (depending on the development of the relevant module) it may be necessary to recreate these. To recreate the gold standard outputs, use pytest\ 's basetemp dir option. This can overwrite all the existing gold standard output files. The files produced will be in a directory structure peculiar to pytest. They may need to be manually moved to the relevant location in ./tests/e2e_expected_outputs/\ :

.. code-block::

pytest -m slow --basetemp=./tests/recreate_gold_standard

This command can be combined with selecting individual tests if required.

Test Coverage

Test coverage is reported automatically on each run of pytest. To obtain the html coverage report use the --cov-report argument:

.. code-block::

pytest --cov-report=html


Consult the documenation here <>_. To generate and view a local copy of this documenation:

.. code-block:: bash

cd docs pip install -r requirements.txt make html open build/html/index.html

Alternatively, the user can generate documentation using:

.. code-block:: bash

pip install pdoc pdoc --html --overwrite --html-dir docs pandemia


Researchers and students are welcome to contribute to this project.

Please raise an issue if a bug is found.

More advanced contributions could involve, for example, the creation of new world factories, component models, or further development of the validation and optimization methods.


The Pandemia software was created by James Thompson in early 2022, based on the ABMlux software written by Stephen Wattam and James Thompson. Between October 2022 and February 2023, Andy Smith and Aoife Hughes contributed to the project as members of the Research Engineering Group at The Alan Turing Institute.

Since June 2022, James Thompson has been employed as a Research Associate at the Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology at Imperial College London, having been previously employed by The Alan Turing Institute, between April 2021 and May 2022.

Stephen Wattam contributed to the ABMlux project via WAP Academic Consulting Ltd.

Citing this work

If you publish using technology from this repository, please cite the following article using this BibTeX:

.. code-block:: BibTeX

@article{10.1371/journal.pone.0261330, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0261330}, author = {Thompson, James AND Wattam, Stephen}, journal = {PLoS One}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, title = {Estimating the impact of interventions against COVID-19: From lockdown to vaccination}, year = {2021}, month = {12}, volume = {16}, url = {}, pages = {1-51}, number = {12}, }


:raw-html-m2r:<a rel="license" href=""><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src="" /></a>\ :raw-html-m2r:<br />\ This work is licensed under a :raw-html-m2r:<a rel="license" href="">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a>.