Pangoraw / Deno.jl

:sauropod: Install deno from Julia
MIT License
3 stars 0 forks source link

:warning: Install Deno_jll.jl instead of Deno.jl

(@v1.6)> add Deno_jll

julia> using Deno_jll

julia> run(deno())
Deno 1.10.1
exit using ctrl+d or close()


This package allows downloading deno via the artifacts system of Julia. The actual tarball containing the executable is built in DenoBuilder.


Deno.jl exports only a single function which returns the location of the deno executable.

julia> import Deno

julia> run(Deno.deno_cmd())
Deno 1.9.2
exit using ctrl+d or close()
