This is my first game on a web-browser, using Javascript, HTML and CSS!
My goal was to create a minesweeper game where you have to click on all the squares that do not contain a mine, as doing so would result in a failure. Clicking an empty square would give you a hint by displaying a number that would indicate how many mines are in its horizontal/vertical vicinity. Clicking on all available empty boxes on the board will result in a victory.
If I had more time, I would have: 1- Created a functional "try again" button after victory and defeat. 2- Implemented flags for the player to make guesses on where the mines are. 3- Allowed the user to choose a difficulty before the start of the game, i.e. easy(30% mines), medium(40% mines) and hard (50% mines) 4- Made the guide (?) button work 5- Made the game window more responsive according to different device widths. 6- Created a time counter to give the user some anxiety. 6- Made the game more visually pleasing. 7- Added pay-to-win mechanics to boost profits
Technologies and methods used: