Austin Pearman
Parker Beck
Jake Broadwater
Steven Funk
Peter Mcpadden
2D Platformer
2D platform game developed in unity.
Vision Statement:
Make a 2D platform game that is fun to play.
To learn about 2D game development.
Little to no experience with non programming assets.
No prior experience with working with people in the team.
This is a new working environment (Unity and C#)
Mitigation Strategy:
We can bring outside people/assets to help with non programming parts.
Spend time with each other programming.
We would use unity/C# tutorials to lean the new environment.
User Requirements:
As a user I want to progress through levels so I can complete the game. (1)
As a user I want moving platforms so that jump timing provides an added challenge. (5)
As a user I want enemies to kill so that I can get satisfaction from defeating an enemy. (3)
As a user I want a high level of challenge so that completing a level provides a sense of accomplishment. (8)
Functional Requirements:
As a user I want the game to run without any major bugs so I don't have to worry about mid-game crashes (3)
Non-Functional Requirements:
As a user I want a game that runs smoothly at high FPS so I don't die due to latency issues. (5)
Project Tracking:
Project Plan:
Project Documentation:
Doxygen - http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/
Viewable under: /Docs/html/annotated.html