Parsl / libsubmit

Python library to submit, track and cancel jobs on compute resources
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 9 forks source link

Libsubmit - Scheduler abstraction

|licence| |build-status| |docs|

Libsubmit provides a uniform interface to submit arbitrary bash scripts to a variety of execution systems such as clouds, grids, cluster and supercomputers. This library is designed to simplify submission of pilot systems such as ipython-parallel to a variety of compute resources.

The latest version available on PyPi is v0.4.1 .

.. |licence| image:: :target: :alt: Apache Licence V2.0 .. |build-status| image:: :target: :alt: Build status .. |docs| image:: :target: :alt: Documentation Status

Note ^^^^

As of December 20th 2018, (Parsl v0.7.0) the libsubmit repository has been merged into Parsl to reduce overheads on maintenance with respect to documentation, testing, and release synchronization. The components offered by libsubmit are now available in Parsl as: parsl.channels, parsl.launchers and parsl.providers.


Developer documentation for libsubmit is available here <>. Since libsubmit is designed primarily to be used by Parsl <> as its resource provider most of the user documentation is blended into Parsl documentation here <>_