Particular / NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB

NServiceBus MongoDB persistence
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NServiceBus.Storage.MongoDB is the official NServiceBus persistence implementation for MongoDB.

It is part of the Particular Service Platform, which includes NServiceBus and tools to build, monitor, and debug distributed systems.

See the MongoDB Persistence documentation for more details on how to use it.

Running tests locally

Both test projects utilize NUnit. The test projects can be executed using the test runner included in Visual Studio or using the dotnet test command from the command line.

The tests in the AcceptanceTesting project and many of the tests in the Testing project require an active MongoDB server in order for the test to pass.


By default, both the AcceptanceTests and Tests projects will connect to any MongoDB server running at the default address of mongodb://localhost:27017.

To use a different Mongo URL, you can set the NServiceBusStorageMongoDB_ConnectionString environment variable.

Instructions for installing MongoDB can be found on the MongoDB website.


For developers using Docker containers, the following docker command will quickly setup a container configured to use the default port:

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name TestMongoDB mongo:latest --replSet tr0

Once started, initialize the replication set (required for transaction support) by connecting to the database using a mongo shell. You can use the following docker command to start a mongo shell inside the container and initialize the replication set:

docker exec -it TestMongoDB mongosh --eval 'rs.initiate()'

Local installation

  replSetName: rs0