Particular / ServiceControl

Backend for ServiceInsight and ServicePulse
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Provide advanced search capability using Lucene Search Syntax #2319

Open dvdstelt opened 6 years ago

dvdstelt commented 6 years ago

Problem Description

Currently ServiceInsight can search through message body, meta data, etc. But it would be nice if users could be more specific and use Lucene Search Syntax to search more specifically.

For example search for specific headers, like where processing time is above a specific amount of time. Or a date-range for customers with loads of audit messages.

"ProcessedAt":[2018-08-30 TO 2018-08-31] "ProcessingTime":[00:00:02 TO *]

HEskandari commented 6 years ago

@dvdstelt ServiceControl provides the whole searching capability. I think an issue needs to be opened in SC repo as an underlying functionality needs to exist first.

dvdstelt commented 6 years ago

@HEskandari I considered opening it there, but since from the perspective of the end-user this is a ServiceInsight issue, I opened it up here.

DavidBoike commented 5 years ago

From @benbhall at

Would be useful search on combination AND/OR plus wildcards. Bit of a pain typing full message names in or the entire value for something in a message body e.g. I was sent a screen grab of GUIDs and had to type each one in full to find message in bodies.

And if you're in a giving mood, date ranges wouldn't be unwelcome :)

HEskandari commented 5 years ago

@dvdstelt @DavidBoike This requires backend support. Do we have an issue for SC to add this feature?

dvdstelt commented 5 years ago

Not that I know of, no.