Particular / ServiceControl

Backend for ServiceInsight and ServicePulse
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ServiceControl Current Version

ServiceControl is the monitoring brain in the Particular Service Platform, which includes NServiceBus and tools to build, monitor, and debug distributed systems. ServiceControl collects data on every single message flowing through the system (Audit Queue), errors (Error Queue), as well as additional information regarding sagas, endpoints heartbeats, and custom checks (Control Queue). The information is then exposed to ServicePulse and ServiceInsight via an HTTP API and SignalR notifications.

See the ServiceControl documentation for more information.

How to run/debug locally

ServiceControl, ServiceControl.Audit, and ServiceControl.Monitoring can be run/debugged locally by following these steps:

A video demo showing how to set it up is available on the Particular YouTube channel:

Infrastructure setup

If the instance is executed for the first time, it must set up the required infrastructure. To do so, once the instance is configured to use the selected transport and persister, run it in setup mode. This can be done by using the Setup {instance name} launch profile that is defined in the launchSettings.json file of each instance. When started in setup mode, the instance will start as usual, execute the setup process, and exit. At this point the instance can be run normally by using the non-setup launch profile.

Run Instances on Learning transport

To help with local testing, the Learning transport has been added to the list of available transports when setting up a new instance in SCMU. For it to become available, an environment variable ServiceControl_IncludeLearningTransport needs to be created with a value of true.


Testing using the CI workflow depends on the following secrets, which must be defined for both Actions and Dependabot secrets. The Particular values for these secrets are stored in the secure note named ServiceControl Repo Secrets.

Running the Tests

Running all tests all the times takes a lot of resources. Tests are filtered based on the ServiceControl_TESTS_FILTER environment variable. To run only a subset, e.g., SQS transport tests, define the variable as ServiceControl_TESTS_FILTER=SQS. The following list contains all the possible ServiceControl_TESTS_FILTER values:

NOTE: If no variable is defined all tests will be executed.

How to developer test the PowerShell Module
