Particular / ServiceControl

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Service Control for Azure as SaaS #683

Open satyajit-behera opened 8 years ago

satyajit-behera commented 8 years ago

With the popularity of Azure hosting as a service offering, ability to deploy Service Control as a service in Azure will be an added advantage.

gbiellem commented 8 years ago

Hi @satyajit-behera

Thanks for the feedback. At this stage we don't have any plans developing a SaaS offering for ServiceControl. If this stance changes we'll reopen this issue.

satyajit-behera commented 8 years ago

How can we monitor end points hosted in Azure cloud services?

gbiellem commented 8 years ago

Hi @satyajit-behera

The typical way of monitoring Azure Endpoints is to install ServiceControl & ServicePulse on an Azure Virtual Machine. ServiceControl supports both the Azure Storage Queues and Azure ServiceBus transports out of the box. All you need to do is go through the setup in the Management utiliity and choose the correct transport and configure the connection strings and error and audit queues names to ingest,

I'd recommend at least a "D2" Azure VM with a 8Gb of RAM for the ServiceControl machine as a starting point. You may need to bump this up to a higher spec if your message throughput is high.

Does that help?

satyajit-behera commented 8 years ago

Thanks @gbiellem . The above is perfect for a situation where the client want to go for VMs. There will be people who want to go by Azure Web App also and No dedicated VMs, due to several reasons. Is it possible to run Service Control as a Web Job in Azure and point the Service Pulse as a Web App in azure along with our end points hosted as Azure Web App or Web Job.

SeanFeldman commented 8 years ago

@satyajit-behera as of current state ServiceControl (SC) and ServicePulse (SP), it's not possible to run on top of Azure WebJobs and WebApps. You would need to have a VM in a VNet (for security reasons) or connect from on-premises to your broker (Storage queues or Service Bus).

satyajit-behera commented 8 years ago

Thanks @SeanFeldman will go by this approach currently.

AlexEngblom commented 1 year ago

This would be awesome. I really like the Service Pulse tool, but the VM requirement and heavy setup/administration is not something I want for Azure native solutions.

boblangley commented 1 year ago

I am re-opening this issue. While our stance has not changed (and is not likely to change in the foreseeable future), having visibility into the needs of our customers who are building solutions on top of PaaS/SaaS offerings in Azure is helpful as we continuously re-evaluate our offerings.

To be clear, this is not a simple request. We are not currently structured to provide SaaS offerings (we are primarily a middleware/tools software vendor at present), and neither is ServiceControl/ServicePulse.

Commenting here helps us gauge interest, and providing details about why a SaaS offering for ServiceControl would be helpful helps us build context.

brebdantompkins commented 11 months ago

I'm looking for something I can run on azure as well.

satyajit-behera commented 7 months ago

If users are able to host the service control and pulse in the same web app, as their web application, they may not have to create a separate dedicated virtual machine, instead can run using the same provisioned resource. (for small deployments)

Hommis commented 4 months ago

Our only major issue with ServicePulse and ServiceControl is that they are not available as SaaS services. We would greatly appreciate and be willing to pay for somebody to maintain the services and update them automatically for us. This is perhaps the biggest issue with NServiceBus at the moment. Having them as a cloud service would also speed up the start of development greatly instead of now configuring virtual machines manually and then maintaining them.

To give perspective, we have 600+ employees and we have delivered a lot of solutions for our customers with whom we have been using Azure ServiceBus. In the past five years preferred NServiceBus as its abstraction makes interoperability better and monitoring tools allow easy debugging and monitoring. This is a little bit of a problem for us currently as most of the stuff has moved to Azure and our hosting maintenance teams are not that large anymore. For us paying for a SaaS service would make a lot of sense. Although, you would have to promise that the data never leaves the European Union.

So, one big vote for this! Please reconsider your stance on this.

danielmarbach commented 4 months ago

@satyajit-behera For your specific use case you might be covered with

danielmarbach commented 4 months ago

@Hommis thanks for the context that you have given us. Do you prefer SaaS entirely or would #3651 be a good intermediate step for you?

Hommis commented 4 months ago

That is a good question. Although ServiceControl as a docker image would be an improvement. There would still be some extra configuring to do to set up CI/CD pipelines to deploy the docker image. I am also wondering about updates. If it is a container, we would have full control over it and update schedules. As an intermediate solution for just now, I would say it will be an improvement.

In the long run, we would also like to have ServicePulse available as a SaaS. However, having them as Azure services would have its benefits over containers and just SaaS. I do understand that there are a lot of security issues to consider if serving them only as a SaaS but having them available as an Azure service, and in the short term as a container, would probably help a lot and have fewer security concerns.