PartidoDeLaRed / presupuesto

Mi presupuesto
1 stars 4 forks source link



Getting started

  1. clone this repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Browse to http://localhost:8000

Loading sample data to DB

gulp fixtures

Note: this will load data to the default database (presupuesto-dev). You may tweak this manually or by editing your config

How to setup deploy to Heroku

You have to set up a new git remote pointing to the Heroku repo:

heroku git:remote -a my-heroku-app-name
heroku login

and enter your credentials.

How to deploy to Heroku

Once you have set up your Heroku remote, you can deploy to Heroku by simply

git push heroku master

Note: You need to have proper permissions to do this.