PartnerCenterSamples / Commerce-API-Java

Java sample code for calling Cloud Solution Provider CREST APIs
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Java sample code for calling Cloud Solution Provider CREST APIs

These are samples in Java for using the commerce APIs for Microsoft Partner Center. These CREST APIs are documented at

A public forum for discussing the APIs is available at

Update CREST API Credentials

Before you build these samples, please update the following in the file -, for your integration sandbox account. Go to to get this information Watch the youtube video which will guide you to fill the details -

Go to to fill the below details Watch the youtube video which will guide you to fill the details - AppId=xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx Key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Build and run instructions

Follow these steps

  1. Download the following jars and save them in a local folder
  2. Download and extract the Commerce-API-Java source code zip file from GIT hub
  3. Eclipse IDE is required to run the Commerce-API-Java project, please download the same from
  4. If JDK is not installed, download & install latest jdk from
  5. Open the eclipse IDE and click on File->Import

    File Import Menu

  6. Select “Existing Projects into Workspace” option and click next

    Existing Projects into Workspace

  7. Select the root directory option and browse for the extracted code, an example illustration is shown below. Click Finish

    Import Projects

  8. The code along with the project should appear as below in the eclipse IDE

    Code in IDE

  9. Configure the Java Build Path

    1. Right click on the project and click on “Properties->Java Build Path”
    2. Click “Add External JARs” and choose the following jar files from the local folders where they were downloaded earlier
      • httpclient-4.5.jar
      • httpcore-4.4.1.jar
      • commons-logging-1.2.jar
      • json-simple-1.1.1.jar

    Java Build Path

  10. Eclipse should now build the project with no errors.
  11. To run the sample right click on the file, select Debug-As, and select Java Application.