Parv-B-zz / RaagaDB

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Welcome to RaagaDB

Provides 1000+ datapoints on 80+ raagas


Characteristics provided :

Name Description
Name Name of raaga
Thaat Family which raaga belongs to
Vadi The most important note in the raaga
Samvadi The second-most important note in the raaga
Aaroho An ascending sequence of notes, introducing the raaga's style
Avroho A descending sequence of notes with the same purpose as Aaroho
Pakad A short sequence of notes, highlighting the characteristic
sequence of notes in the raaga
Jaati Indicate the number of notes omitted in ascending and descending
Anuvadi Notes apart from Vadi and Samvadi that are used in aalaps
Bhaav Indicates the emotion conveyed by the raaga
Saptak The octaves which are used intensively in the raaga
TanpuraTuning The suggested note for tuning of tanpura in performances
OtherCharacteristics Other features and tips for performances of the raaga

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