This is a plugin for Smod2 and EXILED that automatically bans players after a specified number of teamkills, for a certain amount of time.
Key | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
is_enabled | boolean | true | Enable or disable the plugin. Defaults to true. |
out_all | boolean | false | Print debugging statements to see if your configuration is working correctly |
system | integer | 1 | Change system for processing teamkills: (1) basic counter that will ban the player instantly upon reaching a threshold, (2) timer-based counter that will ban a player after reaching the threshold but will forgive 1 teamkill every friendly_fire_autoban_expire seconds, or(3) allow users to teamkill as much as possible and ban them after they have gone friendly_fire_autoban_expire seconds without teamkilling (will ban on round end and player disconnect). |
matrix | list | 1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,1:3,2:4,3:1,4:2 | Matrix of killer:victim team tuples that the plugin considers teamkills |
amount | integer | 5 | Amount of teamkills before a ban will be issued. |
length | integer | 3600 | Length of ban in minutes. |
expire | integer | 60 | For ban system #2, Time it takes in seconds for teamkill to degrade and not count towards ban. |
scaled | dictionary | For ban system #3, dictionary of amount of teamkills:length of ban that will be processed at the end of the round. | |
no_guns | integer | 0 | Number of kills to remove the player's guns as a warning for teamkilling, and will remove guns every time the player picks them up or spawns with them. In ban system #1, this will remove the player's guns for the rest of the round. |
to_spec | integer | 0 | Number of kills at which to put a player into spectator as a warning for teamkilling. |
kicker | integer | 0 | Number of kills at which to kick the player as a warning for teamkilling. |
immune | string | owner,admin,moderator | Groups that are immune to being autobanned. |
bomber | integer | 0 | Whether to delay grenade damage of thrower by one second [experimental] (2), make player immune to grenade damage (1), or keep disabled (0). |
disarm | boolean | false | Whether disarmed players should be considered members of the opposite team and role. |
rolewl | list | Matrix of killer:victim role tuples that the plugin will NOT consider teamkills.If you want NTF to be able to teamkill based on the chain of command, use this value (on one line): 12:11,12:4,12:13,12:15, 4:11,4:13,4:15, 11:13,11:15,13:15 |
invert | integer | 0 | Reverse Friendly Fire. If greater than 0, value of mirror will only apply after this many teamkills. |
mirror | float | 0 | Whether damage should be mirrored back to a teamkiller, with values greater than (1) being considered a multiplier. |
undead | integer | 0 | Respawns teamkilled players after this many teamkills. |
warn_tk | integer | -1 | How many teamkills before a ban should a teamkiller be warned (>=1), give a generic warning (0), or give no warning (-1). |
vote_tk | integer | 0 | [not implemented yet] The number of teamkills at which to call a vote via the callvote plugin to ban a user by the ban amount. |
kd_safe | integer | 0 | The K/D ratio at which players will be immune from pre-ban and ban punishments. Takes effect when kills are greater than kdsafe, i.e. set to 2 requires a minimum of 4:2 (not 2:1), set to 3 requires a minimum of 6:2 (not 3:1), etc. |
Here is the default configuration for Friendly Fire Autoban that you can copy directly into your config_gameplay.txt:
is_enabled: true
out_all: false
system: 3
matrix: 1:1,2:2,3:3,4:4,1:3,2:4,3:1,4:2
amount: 4
length: 1440
expire: 60
scaled: 4:1440,5:4320,6:4320,7:10080,8:10080,9:43800,10:43800,11:129600,12:129600,13:525600
noguns: 0
tospec: 0
kicker: 0
bomber: 0
disarm: false
rolewl: 12:11,12:4,12:13,12:15,4:11,4:13,4:15,11:13,11:15,13:15
mirror: 0
warntk: 0
votetk: 0
immune: owner,admin,moderator
Key | Aliases | Parameters | Description |
ffa_toggle | ffa_toggle | Toggles friendly fire autoban on or off. | |
ffa_whitelist | ffa_whitelist | Toggles a player by name or Steam ID as whitelisted from all FFA punishments. |