PatPeter / ZombieSuicideHotline

Respawns SCP-049-2 that intentionally kill themselves using the Tesla gates or Y-junctions.
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Zombie Suicide Hotline

This is a plugin for Exiled 2.0 that prevents SCP-049-2 from commiting suicide.

Configuration Settings

Key Value Type Default Value Description
is_enabled boolean true Is the plugin enabled?
allow_recall boolean false Enable or disable SCP-049 using .recall to teleport zombies back.
allow_vent boolean false Enable or disable SCP-173 using .vent to teleport to another SCP BEING A SUSSY BAKA.
allow_unstuck boolean false Enable or disable command for when players get stuck in the map or outside of it.
respawn_zombie_ragequits boolean false Enable or disable respawning players who ragequit the game after being killed by SCP-049.
recall_cooldown float 20 How many seconds between each use of .recall?
vent_cooldown float 40 How many seconds between each use of .vent?
unstuck_time int 300 How long does a player need to be in the same room in order to be considered stuck?
hotline_calls: Dictionary
Scp049 float -1 -1 disabled, 0 teleports to spawn with no damage, > 0 do this % of damage to current health
Scp0492 float 0 -1 disabled, 0 teleports to spawn with no damage, > 0 do this % of damage to current health
Scp096 float -1 -1 disabled, 0 teleports to spawn with no damage, > 0 do this % of damage to current health
Scp106 float -1 -1 disabled, 0 teleports to spawn with no damage, > 0 do this % of damage to current health
Scp173 float -1 -1 disabled, 0 teleports to spawn with no damage, > 0 do this % of damage to current health
Scp93953 float -1 -1 disabled, 0 teleports to spawn with no damage, > 0 do this % of damage to current health
Scp93989 float -1 -1 disabled, 0 teleports to spawn with no damage, > 0 do this % of damage to current health