1 Genepop file with 2 subpopulations (total number of individuals in genepop is inferior to the number of individuals in the simulation)
subpop 1: local colony that will undergo changes (additional info on age, age category and sex).
subpop 2: Rest of the population. Present to maintain gene flow over time. (additional info on sex and whether juvenile or adult)
Information on sex, age in years (for 1 subpop) or age category (juvenile-adult) is also available (file in fstat format 14 microsatellite loci + additional info)
Maxlifespan ~ 17 years old
minMatingAge ~ 2 years old
maxMatingAge ~ 17 years old
Number of young per year ~ 1
1 generation ~ 5 years
Random mating in subpopulations
Maintain gene flow between both sub-populations using Migrator. This is sex-biased as females remain in the same colony and males disperse.
Female migration rate 0.001
Male migration rate 0.1
Simulation of 20 generations (~200 years)
The initial population size is based on Ne estimates from the Genepop file (N genotypes < Actual population size), for example:
Subpop 2 remains constant over time
Subpop 1 undergoes an instant population change (InstantChangeModel) at generation 5 and declines to 80.
Then at generation 12 it undergoes a linear growth at rate 0.2 to a population of 150 (LinearGrowthModel) => Need of MultiStageModel
Need Genepop file outputs for each generation (or every 5 years) after breeding to include juveniles. The effective population size estimates will be done separately.
Output info on age and sex of individuals would also help with Ne estimates.