PathwayCommons / app-ui

Web UI for accessing Pathway Commons data
MIT License
2 stars 15 forks source link

Pathway Commons App(s)


Required software

Running the App Locally

  1. Install the project dependencies by typing:

    npm install
  2. Run the project using one of the defined package scripts:

    For development:

    npm run watch

    For a production build:

    npm run build-prod
    npm start


The following environment variables can be used to configure the server (also docker image):

Run targets

Using Docker and Dockerfile

Build the image.

docker build -t pathwaycommons/app-ui .

Run the container:

docker run --detach --rm --publish 3000:3000 --env "NODE_ENV=production" --name "app-ui" pathwaycommons/app-ui


All files /test will be run by Mocha. You can npm test to run all tests, or you can run npm run test ./test/path/to/test to run specific tests.

Chai is included to make the tests easier to read and write.


Command line tools

The scripts/cli.js file contains app-ui command line tools:

Usage: To generate a PNG of an SBGN representation for each pathway declared in the GMT file at downloads/pc-hgnc.gmt.gz:

$ docker-compose up -d syblars
$ SERVER_FETCH_TIMEOUT="60000" node src/scripts/cli.js snapshot --file pc-hgnc.gmt

NB: The default timeout of fetch is normally quite brief (5 seconds).

In this way, images will be served via expressJS at img/pathways/:id, where id is the pathway URI with anything that is not a letter (a-z) or digit (0-9) is replaced with underscores (_).

Developing a feature and making a pull request

Students who work on the repo should follow these instructions for each feature that they work on:

  1. Initial preparation (only needed once)
    1. Make a fork on GitHub (if you haven't already) under your personal account
    2. Check out the fork repo: git clone
    3. Change the directory to the project: cd app-ui
    4. Check out the development branch: git checkout -b development origin/development
    5. Add the pc remote: git remote add pc
  2. Make sure you have the latest code on the main PathwayCommons repo:
    1. Using the console: git fetch pc
    2. Or using GitUp: Remotes > Fetch All Branches, Remotes > Fetch All Tags
  3. Make sure your development branch is up-to-date:
    1. Using the console: git checkout development && git merge pc/development
    2. Using GitUp:
      1. Right-click the commit that pc/development points to
      2. Select Merge into Current Branch
    3. Make a feature branch for the new feature or change you are working on. Make sure to give your branch a clear, meaningful name.
      1. Using the console: git checkout -b name-of-feature
      2. Using GitUp: right-click the HEAD commit (which should be the top commit of your local development branch), then select Create Branch...
  4. Make commits as you're working on your feature:
    1. Using the console: git commit -am "My descriptive commit message"
    2. Using GitUp: Use the Select View tab (View > Commit)
      1. Stage the files
      2. Add a descriptive commit message
      3. Press the Commit button
  5. Periodically (at least once just before making a pull request) make sure your feature branch takes into account the latest changes other people have made:
    1. Make sure your development branch is up-to-date:
      1. Using the console: git checkout development && git merge pc/development
      2. Using GitUp:
        1. Right-click the commit that pc/development points to
        2. Select `Merge into Current Branch
    2. Make sure your feature branch is up-to-date:
      1. Using the console: git checkout name-of-feature, git merge development
      2. Using GitUp:
        1. Make sure your HEAD is the newest commit of your feature branch: Right-click the latest commit on name-of-feature branch and select Checkout "name-of-feature" Branch
        2. Right-click the latest commit of the development branch and select Merge into Current Branch
  6. Push your commits to GitHub:
    1. Note: You can push as often as you'd like so that your code is backed up on GitHub. You must push everything before you make a pull request.
    2. Using the console: git push
    3. Using GitUp: Remotes > Push Current Branch
  7. When your feature is done and ready to be reviewed, make a pull request:
    1. Go to your fork on GitHub, e.g.
    2. Select your feature branch
    3. Click the New pull request button
    4. Give your pull request a clear title and a meaningful description

Publishing a release

  1. Create a release branch off of master, e.g. release/1.2.3
  2. Merge the latest dev into the release branch.
  3. Make sure the tests are passing: npm test
  4. Make sure the linting is passing: npm run lint
  5. Bump the version number with npm version, in accordance with semver. The version command in npm updates both package.json and git tags, but note that it uses a v prefix on the tags (e.g. v1.2.3).
    1. For a bug fix / patch release, run npm version patch.
    2. For a new feature release, run npm version minor.
    3. For a breaking API change, run npm version major.
    4. For a specific version number (e.g. 1.2.3), run npm version 1.2.3.
  6. Make a PR for the release branch onto master.
  7. Push the release: git push origin --tags
  8. Publish a release for Zenodo.