PatrickAlphaC / hardhat-nft-marketplace-fcc

114 stars 95 forks source link

Update: Head to Cyfrin Updraft

ℹ️ Important: This repo is no longer maintained; we invite all people learning Solidity to head to Cyfrin Updraft! The 100% free #1 smart contract education platform on earth. Developed with love by Patrick & Cyfrin <3

Hardhat NFT Marketplace

This repo has been updated to work with Sepolia over Goerli.

Hardhat NextJS Marketplace

This is a repo showing how to make an NFT Marketplace from scratch!

Huge Shoutout to Matt Durkin for his help on this repo!

Full Repo

Getting Started



git clone
cd hardhat-nextjs-nft-marketplace-fcc



For the typescript edition, run:

git checkout typescript

Optional Gitpod

If you can't or don't want to run and install locally, you can work with this repo in Gitpod. If you do this, you can skip the clone this repo part.

Open in Gitpod

Remember if you are using gitpod then you cannot connect your local hardhat node with metamask. To resolve this you can use vs code or testnets instead of local node.



yarn hardhat deploy


yarn hardhat test

Deployment to a testnet or mainnet

  1. Setup environment variabltes

You'll want to set your SEPOLIA_RPC_URL and PRIVATE_KEY as environment variables. You can add them to a .env file, similar to what you see in .env.example.

  1. Get testnet ETH

Head over to and get some tesnet ETH. You should see the ETH show up in your metamask.

  1. Deploy
yarn hardhat deploy --network sepolia

Thank you!

If you appreciated this, feel free to follow me or donate!

ETH/Polygon/Avalanche/etc Address: 0x9680201d9c93d65a3603d2088d125e955c73BD65

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