PatrickMatthiesen / Souffle-MiniTwit

GNU General Public License v3.0
1 stars 0 forks source link


Launching the Blazor project locally

  1. (If not done before) Run the CreateDB script with Docker running.


  2. Run the Server Project
    • Use your IDE or
    • dotnet run --project .\MiniTwit\MiniTwit\Server
  3. Go to your browser and open localhost:7089

Deploy to Docker containers

(This does not fully work yet and needs to be changed)

  1. Make a trusted certificate and output it to a known location.

    dotnet dev-certs https -ep <path to output?> -p <a strong password> --trust

  2. Add the password of the certificate to user-secrets

    dotnet user-secrets set "Kestrel:Certificates:Development:Password" "$connectionString" --project <path to server>

  3. Publish the Docker image

    dotnet publish .\MiniTwit\Server\ --os linux --arch x64 -c Release -p:PublishProfile=DefaultContainer --no-self-contained

  4. Run the container

    dotnet run -it --rm minitwit-server:1.0.0

Deploying database

This currently requires a person to do something, but would be updated to run from a script, how to do it using actions is unclear.

  1. Make a droplet with docker support
  2. SSH to the droplet and run docker run --name MiniTwit-db -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "SA_PASSWORD=<our strong password>" -p 1433:1433 -d
  3. Update the database with the dbcontext, by having the connection string to the database in user secrets and running dotnet ef database update -p ./MiniTwit/Server/

    this should be changed.