PatrickYang-5 / MPC_drones

MIT License
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MPC for Multi-UAVs

This is the repository containing the Linear MPC codes used for Multi-UAVs.


On macOS and Ubuntu

cd gym-pybullet-drones/

conda create -n drones python=3.10
conda activate drones

pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install -e . # if needed, `sudo apt install build-essential` to install `gcc` and build `pybullet`

On Windows


Download Visual Studio and C++ 14.0

Download Python 3

Download a Python IDE


Download the code, unzip and open the project in PyCharm

To run code you may need to configure PyCharm.

Type numpy and click "Install package".

Type matplotlib and click "Install package".

Type pybullet and click "Install package".

Type gym and click "Install package".

Type Pillow and click "Install package".

Type Cycler and click "Install package".

Type cvxpy and click "Install package".

Type pytransform3d and click "Install package".

Type open3d and click "Install package".


The demos for MPC are located in folder gym_pybullet_drones/demo, named RegularMPC and OutputMPC

A sample program for testing regular MPC, which can be used for a single drone or multiple drones, but does not incorporate multi-drone interaction.

A sample program is used to test output MPC, which can be used for a single UAV or for multiple UAVs, where the constraints between the UAVs can be adjusted to soft and hard constraints.


This program is tested in Linux 20.04 and MacOS with M1 chip, if there are solving errors please try to adjust the weight matrix, prediction intervals and soft constraint weights, or contact the author for feedback on the problem.