PaulBratslavsky / strapi-5-next-js-starter-project
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Getting Started With Strapi 5 and Next.js 15

Have you ever wondered how well Strapi and Next.js work together? You can take it for a test run with this project.

It is open source, and you can use it to jump-start your project.

It is built with Next.js 15 and Strapi 5

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a framework built on top of React that provides additional features and optimizations for web development. 

It offers tools and conventions that make creating high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications easier.

Key Features

You can learn more about Next.js here

What is Strapi?

Strapi is a flexible, customizable, headless CMS built with Node.js.

It offers a user-friendly interface for content management while allowing developers to build and design the front end independently.

As a headless CMS, Strapi separates the content management from the presentation layer, delivering content via APIs.

Powerful Combination Next.js and Strapi together create a robust solution for building dynamic websites. 

Next.js handles the front with server-side rendering capabilities, while Strapi manages the backend content.

Key Benefits

This API-first approach enables you to build scalable and efficient web applications.

What's New in Strapi 5

Strapi 5 introduces several powerful features to enhance content management and development efficiency.

Getting Started With The Project Demo

You can check out the following video or follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1: clone the project The first step is to clone the project to your local computer.

I will be using GitHub CLI for this example. Let's start by cloning the project with the following command.

  git clone

Step 2: run the setup script

Once you have the project on your local machine, let's install the project dependencies and seed them with example data.

We will run the following command from the root of our project.

  yarn setup

and finally you can run yarn dev in the root of our project.

This will start both our backend and frontend.

Before navigating to our frontend, you will be prompted to create your first Strapi Admin user.

You can check out the package.json file for more details on what the script will do.

If you have any questions about the project, please leave a comment or stop by Strapi's "open office" hours Monday through Friday at 12:30 PM CST.