PaulDaoudi / FOOD

Reimplementation of the FOOD algorithm in the Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning setting.
MIT License
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A Conservative Approach for Transfer in Few-Shot Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning

This is a reimplementation of the techniques discussed in the paper A Conservative Approach for Transfer in Few-Shot Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning.

Create the conda virtual environment

conda create --name food python=3.8
conda activate food
pip install -e .

Steps to launch it for a new environment


All the results are saved in a ray tune Experimentanalysis. You can plot them in the Visualization.ipynb notebook.


I follow MIT License. Please see the License file for more information.


This code is built upon the PPO Github. It also uses the H2O to build DARC, extracts one environment from GARAT and others from the official DARC Code.

Cite us

If you find this technique useful and you use it in a project, please cite it:

  title={A Conservative Approach for Transfer in Few-Shot Off-Dynamics Reinforcement Learning},
  author={Daoudi, Paul and Robu, Bogdan and Prieur, Christophe and Barlier, Merwan and Dos Santos, Ludovic},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 2024 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence},

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