PaulGoldschmidt / Qingping2InfluxDB

A qingping smart home to InfluxDB Connector build on the last API Version to monitor your environment data in a flexible way.
MIT License
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Qingping2InfluxDB :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Qingping2InfluxDB is a project that enables the collection of environment data from Qingping smart devices (especially the Qingping Air Monitor Light) and stores it in an InfluxDB database. The script is designed to be run in the background and pushes every 20 seconds to influxdb the power metrics of the power plugs you choose. It was build upon the Qingping OpenAPI Spec and currently (2024-05-25) working with the latest Qingping API version. It utilizes the official python InfluxDB Client in order to publish data to your InfluxDB instance. Thanks to the authors of these packages which made this little project possible. It comes ready-to-use in a docker package which can be used multi-platform. Out-of-the box the script scrapes every 20 seconds the power metrics from the chosen devices and pushes them to InfluxDB. This can be changed in the source code quite easily.


Recommended Installation: Docker Image :star:

There is a multiplatform docker image for this code available on docker hub, an example setup is provided with docker-compose.yml. Just put the docker-compose.yml somewhere on your computer, change the environment variables to your setup and start the container with docker compose up -d (older docker installation: docker-compose up -d). If you want to use docker run instead of docker compose (not recommended! :shipit:), you can use:

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name Qingping2InfluxDB \
  -e API_BASE_URL=http://user-api-base-url \
  -e INFLUXDB_URL=http://user-influxdb-url \
  -e INFLUXDB_TOKEN=user_token \
  -e INFLUXDB_ORG=user_org \
  -e INFLUXDB_BUCKET=user_bucket \


Testing your quingping setup & get device overview

In order to test the quingping setup and see all devices that are currently available, the script is included in this repository. After filling out the config.env file with your credentials and removing the .example file ending, run the device info script once to get an overview over all avaiable devices. For each device you want to write the data to InfluxDB, please fill the exact names into line 31 in

Installation Instructions (localy) :potato:

  1. Set Up Python Environment:

    • Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system.
    • It's recommended to use a virtual environment:
      python -m venv quingping-env
      source quingping-env/bin/activate  # On Windows, use `quingping-env\Scripts\activate`
  2. Install Dependencies:

    • Navigate to the project directory.
    • Install required Python packages using:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Configuration:

    • Create a config.env file in the project directory with the following content, filling in your own details (see config.env.example):
      #DEBUG=TRUE #comment out if shell be enabled.
  4. Running the Script:

    • Run the script using:
  5. Monitoring:

    • The script will continuously monitor the specified Quingping devices and log data to your InfluxDB database at the set interval.


Docker Build process :boom:

There is a dockerfile provided in this repository which allows you to build your own image of QingpingToInfluxDB. If you want to build the image multi-platform, there is a buildx-example-script provided aswell.

Additional Information

I wrote a blog article in German about this Project. Check it out!

Docker Hub

This project is published multi-platform on the Docker-Hub.


Troubleshooting :basecampy:
