PaulHaeussler / HappyPanda

Client to download your albums from sadpanda
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A downloader for sadpanda to download and archive your favourite hentai

This executable takes several arguments for startup to define its environment and runtime procedure. A mysql database has to be provided with its credentials (if concerned for security, a localhost database should work fine) and a schema to use. This database will keep track of all albums and images, as well as all tags and metadata.

Also required is a text file containing what the program uses in its requests headers to sadpanda. This is necessary in order to appear as a normal browser. Entries are separated by five '=' as a delimiter. The only entry which usually requires changes is "cookie". Either read your cookie and replace the anonymized info, or open the developer tools in your browser, navigate to sadpanda (provided you already have access with this browser) and check what headers your browser used. This is usually done on the network tab, you're interested in the results of the return of sadpanda itself.

Program parameters:

Static parameters are always preceded with a dash '-', whereas parameter values are not.

Mandatory parameters:

Voluntary parameters:

A sample program call could look like this:

java -jar HappyPanda_V0.1.jar -host -dbname happyPanda -user admin -pw 12345678 -p C:\hentai -headers C:\headers.txt -favs