PaulNieuwelaar / notifyjs

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Notify.js - CRM 2013-Dynamics 365 Custom Notifications in JavaScript

download (v2 managed)

This solution is no longer maintained. You should instead use OOTB methods addGlobalNotification which provides similar functionality.


This library gives developers the ability to create nice CRM notifications on forms and views, similar to the Xrm.Page.ui.setFormNotification SDK function, but better!

It gives us all the same functionality as the setFormNotification SDK function, but has the following additional features:

Check the Documentation page for usage details.

Add Notification

Adds or overwrites a notification on the custom notification bar. Note that this notification bar is separate to the CRM Notification bar.

Parameters: Message, Icon, Unique ID, Buttons (array), Duration (seconds - optional), Background Color, Text Color

All parameters are technically optional, if there's no icon specified the icon will be removed, if the unique ID is not specified, the ID will be null (and any new notifications with no ID will overwrite that one), the buttons are optional and will display after the message in the order they are added to the array, duration is optional, and if not specified the notification will only disappear if the user manually dismisses it or if other code removes it. Colors will default to the classic CRM yellow and grey if not specified.

Supported Icon types are: "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "SUCCESS", "QUESTION", "LOADING"

Each button object in the array should have a 'text' to display on the button or hyperlink, a 'callback' function to call when the button or hyperlink is clicked, and optionally a 'type' of 'link' or 'button' (defaults to button if not specified)

Notify.add("Would you like to create a new <b>Sale</b>?", "QUESTION", "sale",
        type: "button",
        text: "Create Sale",
        callback: function () {
            Notify.add("Sale created successfully!", "SUCCESS", "sale", null, 3);
        type: "link",
        text: "Not now",
        callback: function () {

Remove Notification

Removes one or all notifications from the custom notification bar. If an ID of a notification is passed to this function, that notification will be removed. If no ID is passed to this function, all notifications will be removed.

Parameters: Unique ID (optional)

// Remove a single notification
// Remove all notifications

Created by Paul Nieuwelaar - @paulnz1
Sponsored by Magnetism Solutions - Dynamics CRM Specialists