Paullo612 / mlfx

OpenJFX's FXML language AOT compler
Apache License 2.0
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What is this?

An attempt to implement a compiler for OpenJFX's FXML language.


Now, in a world where OpenJFX application can be compiled to native executable using GraalVM native-image tool, it is important not to use Java reflections. Running tracing agent on each release and clicking over all interface is a major pain. This project provides a way to compile FXML files ahead of time, so, reflection configs for native image are not needed any more (at least for part of application loading FXML). Ahead of time compilation also speeds up UI loading.


Not a goals

What is not (yet) implemented?

How to use

MLFX is designed to work with backends that provide reflective access to controller fields and methods. Currently, there is only Micronaut® framework based backend implemented. Micronaut version should be at least 3.4.0.

Use @CompileFXML annotation to specify where to search for fxml files. Files found will be compiled ahead of time. Use MLFXLoader as direct FXMLLoader replacement.

Add following requirements to

module {
    requires io.micronaut.core;
    requires io.micronaut.inject;
    requires io.github.paullo612.mlfx.api.core;


Add dependency to API module and add compiler to annotation processor path. For example:

                    <!-- Incremental compilation is completely broken in mlfx, so, recompile whole module on any change 
                         in fxml files. -->

See sample Maven project, last commit adds mlfx support to it.

Processing instructions

There are two new processing instructions that mlfx may need. Those are mlfxControllerType and mlfxRootType. mlfx compiles ahead of time, so, it must know actual controller and root types when compiling. Consider following example:

<Car xmlns="">
    <Engine manufacturer="$"/>

There is controller reference, but what is actual controller type? Has it foo property? What is foo property type? So, to make it compile, if your controller is of com.acme.CarController type, you have to add processing instruction to your fxml file:

<?mlfxControllerType com.acme.CarController?>
<Car xmlns="">
    <Engine manufacturer="$"/>

Then you can pass com.acme.CarController instance to MLFXLoader through setController method when loading.

When controller is specified on root element, processing instruction is not needed:

    <Engine manufacturer="$"/>

This will compile fine without any special processing instructions.

Same applies to fx:root elements. There is no attribute to express actual root type in fx: namespace, so processing instruction is mandatory in this case. If actual component class is com.acme.MusculeCar, you can express it in FXML like this:

<?mlfxRootType com.acme.MusculeCar?>
    <Engine manufacturer="$"/>

Supported annotation processor options

micronaut.mlfx.resourcesDirectory specifies base directory where to search for fxml files. Points to project's resources directory by default.