Paulware / piHatWirelessController

Scripts to configure 1.44 inch display with buttons
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This cute little (1.44 in display) controller is available on ebay for $12: here, and is perfect for a $10 pi zero (available at
To create an sd card for this device, follow these steps:

Description of .sh files

all.shRun all the .sh files. Check that user is super user and parameter contains gmail info longer used because pi should be connected to home router) Create an acccess point with SSID="vehicle1" and password="ABCD1234"
crontab.shSetup the crontab which can run a task every minute
keyboard.shConfigure the usb keyboard for US keys
ssh.shSetup the pi for ssh access
timezone.shSet the pi's current timezone to match the user's locations

Description of examples

watchA functioning watch, use top button to set hours, middle to set minutes, and bottom button to set seconds
buttonLineDraw ( lines and show images based on button presses (pong and tic-tac-toe static screens)
displayButtons( images on screen bassed on button presses