PavelJaros / ABAP-Sublime-Plugin

ABAP Syntax Highlighter for Sublime Text
59 stars 14 forks source link


Description: ABAP Syntax Highlighter for Sublime Text 2

How to install it?

Location of Package folder according your platform:

Important notes

What you can do with ABAP plugin


I prefer the default color scheme Zenburnesque to achieve the best results.

Go to the main menu: Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Color Scheme - Default -> Zenburnesque.

Define own shortcut for ABAP syntax

Go to the main menu: Preferences -> Key Bindings - User. Place following code inside brackets [ you key bindings here... ]. You can set another shortcut key instead of ctrl+shift+a.

   // Set ABAP syntax
   {"keys": ["ctrl+shift+a"], "command": "set_file_type",
    "args": {"syntax": "Packages/ABAP/ABAP.tmLanguage"}
   // Shortcut for quick switch project 
   { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+p"], "command": "prompt_select_workspace" },    

Don't forget to save the file in the end.