PawCorp / walltaker

Take control of your friends wallpapers
13 stars 11 forks source link


Oh rails, how I missed you.

What is it?

Walltaker is inspired by the WallClaimer app, which allows you to set the wallpaper of your friends phones. This however leads to some weird cases where people post stuff that'd be on your metaphorical blacklist. With that in mind, I wanted it to be restricted to results, with an enforced blacklist. This keeps you in control, but not too much control.


A client is required to set the wallpaper of a device. Here are some made by the awesome community!

client platforms
walltaker-desktop-client windows/mac/linux
walltaker-android-client android
Lycraon's Wallpaper Engine Client Wallpaper Engine (windows)
Deanskond's Automate Client Automate App (android)

API Guide

Make your own client!

You can make your own Walltaker client! A user should be able to supply any link ID, that you can then use to pull down the latest wallpaper for that instance. I suggest you poll the endpoint ~10 seconds and cache the last post url, so you can skip downloading if it hasn't changed since the last one.


🔓 No API key required

Get the current post details for a given link.


  "id": 1, // The ID, you already know this
  "expires": "2025-03-05T00:00:00.000Z", // Expiry timestamp, will be inaccessible after this time
  "username": "gray", // The user this refers to, queryable at the /api/user/[username] endpoint.
  "terms": "I'm trying out something new, break this please! :)", // Open text feild for user to describe terms of posting
  "blacklist": "feet blood", // e621 style blacklist
  "post_url": "", // Full size post image
  "post_thumbnail_url": "", // Thumnail size post image
  "post_description": "", // E621 post description
  "created_at": "2022-03-08T01:01:50.142Z", // Timestamp of link creation
  "updated_at": "2022-03-13T21:39:01.828Z", // Timestamp of last update from the server (should be close to current time UTC, unless something went wrong)
  "set_by": "name", // the username of the user who set the wallpaper (or null if anon)
  "response_type": "horny", // response type used, "horny" | "disgust" | "came", see chart below
  "response_text": "HUFF wow", // response text used
  "online": true // if this link has been pinged recently


🔑 Requires user's API Key

Set a reponse for a given link. There are 3 kinds of responses.

type Shown In UI as Effect
"horny" Love it User who set wallpaper gets notification, response text displayed on link in webapp
"disgust" Hate it User who set wallpaper gets notification, wallpaper rolled back to previous image
"came" Came User who set wallpaper gets notification, response text displayed on link in webapp

⚠️ I suggest re-pinging the link after sending a "disgust" response, so you can reset the user's wallpaper to the previous version as soon as possible.


The body must be a valid JSON string, like shown below

POST[id]/response.json HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json;
  "api_key": "23unFe3i",  // User's API key, always 8 characters long, REQUIRED
  "type": "horny",        // "horny" | "disgust" | "came", horny will be used if not supplied
  "text": "mmph nice"    // User's supplied text, an empty string will be used if not supplied


  ... see link response ...


🔓/🔐 API key required for some, but not all data

Get details about this user's status such as if they're online, a friend, or the currently authenticated user for a given session.

ℹ️ To ensure this query is processed quickly, set_by has been excluded from the links array.


  "username": "apple", // The user's name
  "id": 24, // The user's internal ID
  "set_count": 540, // How many wallpapers this user has set for others
  "online": true, // If the user is online, meaning they have pinged a link recently
  "links": [ // Public links owned by this user, both online and offline.
    ... see link response ...
  "authenticated": true, // If this request was authenticated with a api_key successfully
  "friend": true, // 🔐 If they are a friend of this api_key's user, requires api_key param.
  "self": false // 🔐 If they are logged in as this api_key's user, requires api_key param.