PawanOsman / ChatGPT-Official

ChatGPT Client using official OpenAI API
MIT License
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chatgpt-official - a simple library to create ChatGPT that uses OpenAI official API [Discord]

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A simple Node.js module for creating ChatGPT using OpenAI official API.

Check the new Google Bard Chatbot!


To install the package, run the following command:

npm install chatgpt-official

Official Chat Completion API from OpenAI

import { ChatGPT } from "chatgpt-official";

let bot = new ChatGPT("<OPENAI_API_KEY>");

let response = await bot.ask("Hello?");

Creating ChatGPT with Official OpenAI Completion API

import { OpenAI } from "chatgpt-official";

let bot = new OpenAI("<OPENAI_API_KEY>");

let response = await bot.ask("Hello?");

Usage: Official Chat Completion API from OpenAI

import { ChatGPT } from "chatgpt-official";

let options = {
    temperature: 0.7, // OpenAI parameter
    max_tokens: 100, // OpenAI parameter [Max response size by tokens]
    top_p: 0.9, // OpenAI parameter
    frequency_penalty: 0, // OpenAI parameter
    presence_penalty: 0, // OpenAI parameter
    instructions: `You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI.`, // initial instructions for the bot
    model: "gpt-3.5-turbo", // OpenAI parameter  `gpt-3.5-turbo` is PAID

let bot = new ChatGPT("<OPENAI_API_KEY>", options); // Note: options is optional

let response = await bot.ask("Hello?");

let conversationId = "conversation name";
let response1 = await bot.ask("Hello?", conversationId);

let conversationId2 = "another conversation name";
let response2 = await bot.ask("Hello?", conversationId2);

Usage: Creating ChatGPT with Official OpenAI Completion API

import { OpenAI } from "chatgpt-official";

let options = {
    temperature: 0.7, // OpenAI parameter
    max_tokens: 256, // OpenAI parameter [Max response size by tokens]
    top_p: 0.9, // OpenAI parameter
    frequency_penalty: 0, // OpenAI parameter
    presence_penalty: 0, // OpenAI parameter
    instructions: `You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI.`, // initial instructions for the bot
    model: "text-davinci-003", // OpenAI parameter  `text-davinci-003` is PAID
    stop: "<|im_end|>", // OpenAI parameter

let bot = new OpenAI("<OPENAI_API_KEY>", options); // Note: options is optional

let response = await bot.ask("Hello?");

let conversationId = "conversation name";
let response1 = await bot.ask("Hello?", conversationId);

let conversationId2 = "another conversation name";
let response2 = await bot.ask("Hello?", conversationId2);