PayU-EMEA / apple-pay

This library is used to decode tokens for Apple Pay.
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Changed the way of extracting certificates. #11

Closed mr-luke closed 1 year ago

mr-luke commented 4 years ago

I had situation when two different servers running same PHP & almost identical openssl ended up with extra "\n" chars. In my opinion that explode was "unfortunate" and is was environmental sensitive.

mr-luke commented 4 years ago

Is anyone maintaining this package? 😄

trydocatch commented 4 years ago

Hi @mr-luke ,

We'll look soon over your pull request :)

trydocatch commented 4 years ago

Hi @mr-luke ,

I'm curious if you've been able to identify the environmental difference that would case the issue. Also, only some certificates would fail on that certain environment or all of them?

I'm trying to understand if the issue was caused only by a certain certificate, or only by a certain environment or by a combination of certain certificate&environment.

Thx, Daniel

crestoff commented 4 years ago

I have some trouble. My solution is: $certificatesChanged[] = $certificates[0] . ' ' . $certificates [1] . "\n\n" . $certificates[2]; $certificatesChanged[] = $certificates[3] . ' ' . $certificates [4] . "\n\n" . $certificates[5]; $certificates = $certificatesChanged;

chencytw commented 3 years ago

openssl 1.1.1 change print_cert output format to this cause certificates separate code by explode("\n\n") at PKCS7SignatureValidator->extractCertificates() will not return list by certificates.

just change certificates separate code with preg_match_all("/(^subject=.+\n-----END.+$)/imsU", $certificates, $match) will match from "subject=" line to "-----END" line as one certificate, which works on both openssl 1.0.x & 1.1.x print_certs format.