PayU-EMEA / apple-pay

This library is used to decode tokens for Apple Pay.
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apple-pay decryption openssl php

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Apple Pay Token Decoder

This library is used to decode tokens for Apple Pay.

It takes a payment token data and returns an ApplePayPaymentData object. ex:

class PayU\ApplePay\Decoding\ApplePayPaymentData#19 (9) {
  private $version =>
  private $applicationPrimaryAccountNumber =>
  string(16) "20427527000"
  private $applicationExpirationDate =>
  string(6) "190731"
  private $currencyCode =>
  string(3) "643"
  private $transactionAmount =>
  private $deviceManufacturerIdentifier =>
  string(12) "050103073"
  private $paymentDataType =>
  string(8) "3DSecure"
  private $onlinePaymentCryptogram =>
  string(28) "Am+7lPDbobAGVT7hNAoABA=="
  private $eciIndicator =>


Run composer require payu/apple-pay

Get AppleRootCA-G3.pem:

  1. Download AppleRootCA-G3.cer
  2. Run command: openssl x509 -inform der -in AppleRootCA-G3.cer -out AppleRootCA-G3.pem

Get Private Key:

  1. Export merchant certificate to a p12 cert
  2. Use openssl to get the private key: openssl pkcs12 -in <your_cert>.p12 -out private_key.pem -nocerts -nodes
  3. Copy content without BEGIN and END markers



For more information about how Apple Pay tokens decoding works go to:

Only works on Linux hosts with openssl installed

For open pull requests please make sure the Travis build does not fail!