Pe8er / Playbox.widget

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Playbox for Übersicht

This widget shows currently played song in either iTunes or Spotify. It has a spiffy progress bar, shows pretty artwork (external dependency: pretty artwork) and has a few customization options.

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Here's how you can set all the widget's options. Open and look at the very top of the document:

  # Choose where the widget should sit on your screen.
  verticalPosition    : "bottom"        # top | center | bottom
  horizontalPosition    : "left"        # left | center | right

  # Choose widget size.
  widgetSize: "medium"                  # big | medium | smol

  # Choose color theme.
  widgetTheme: "dark"                   # dark | light

  # Stick the widget in the corner? It removes round corners and shadows for a flat, minimalist setup.
  stickInCorner: false                  # true | false

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