PeaceGeeksSociety / services-advisor

Map of services for Syrian refugees in Jordan
MIT License
8 stars 12 forks source link

How to contribute

Initial Setup

Adding Features

No new feature code should be merged into master

All new feature code should be pull requested into a feature branch. We want to leave master for bugfixes until we are ready to do a full new release to

To create a new branch in the main repo

git checkout -b feature_name
git push upstream feature_name

To create a pull request, make your changes and commit. Then

git push origin # will push your branch to YOUR fork

Go to your fork: and you should see a button for your recently pushed branch that you can click to make a pull request.

Make sure that the branch you're pull requesting into is the feature branch, not master.

Updating with what others have written

Since the updates go into the main repository and not your fork, you'll occasionally need to get the latest changes from the main repo.

git fetch upstream

Then you can merge or rebase those changes onto your branches.

git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master

# or
git checkout feature
git merge upstream/feature


This build uses npm to manage javascript dependencies and Webpack for bundling.

Versions of node and npm we know work: npm 3.3.12 node 5.1.0

To build the js/css:

For development

This will:

Preparing for production

To update services data

Run this script. Must have node installed, and have run npm install


Developing with Docker

Run docker-compose up -d