Pelagicore / vagrant-cookbook

A repository of vagrant configuration snippets
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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The vagrant cookbook contains a lot of small code snippets that we reuse in Vagrantfiles provided for different projects. The general guideline is that the snippets should be generic, and use parameters to create code reuse as far as possible.

It is worth mentioning that since Pelagicore use Vagrant almost exclusively with VirtualBox as the virtualization provider, some scripts assume that Virtualbox is used as vagrant provider. Most notably when upgrading to debian testing, virtualbox-dkms is reinstalled and rebuilt for the new kernel.

Directory Structure

Example usage: Shell scripts

If you have a snippet of code that looks like this in your current Vagrantfile:

config.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
    ping &> /dev/null &

It could be broken out into a vagrant-cookbook/utils/ script containing the following code:

ping 6> /dev/null &

and then reference that code using:

config.vm.provision "shell", path: "cookbook/utils/"

Example usage: Vagrantfile fragments

Snippets with the .vagrantfile suffix are fragments of a Vagrantfile, as opposed to the shell scripts discussed above. These fragments are typically executed on the host machine to do things like change VM parameters, etc. These fragments are included using:


Example usage in a project: As a git submodule

In order for your project's Vagrantfile to gain access to the snippets in this repository, you need to ensure this git is checked out and accessible to your Vagrantfile. A good way to associate your project with a specific version of the vagrant-cookbook repository is to use git submodules (for more info on submodules, see here:

Use this git as a submodule in the following way:

cd your/project/
git submodule add <THIS REPOSITORY> vagrant-cookbook

Your Vagrantfile can now refer to the snippets as in the examples above.

Copyright and license

Copyright (C) 2016 Pelagicore AB

The source code in this repository is subject to the terms of the MPL-2.0 licence, please see included "LICENSE" file for details.