deepsignal3 is built on Python3 and PyTorch.
We highly recommend to use a virtual environment for the installation of deepsignal3 and its dependencies. A virtual environment can be created and (de)activated as follows by using conda:
# create
conda create -n deepsignalpenv python=3.12
# activate
conda activate deepsignalpenv
# deactivate
conda deactivate
The virtual environment can also be created by using virtualenv.
git clone
cd deepsignal3
python install
# install using conda
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
# or install using pip
pip install torch==1.11.0
Currently, we have trained the following models:
human_r1041_4khz_CG_epoch7.ckpt: model trained using human R10.4.1(4kHz) data with reference genome chm13v2 for detecting 5mC at CpG sites.
human_r1041_5khz_CG_epoch5.ckpt: model trained using human R10.4.1(5kHz) data with reference genome chm13v2 for detecting 5mC at CpG sites.
plant_r1041_4khz_C_epoch7.ckpt: model trained using rice R10.4.1(4kHz) data for detecting 5mC at CG/CHG/CHH. The use of this model requires the use of parameters --motifs C --seq_len 21 --signal_len 16
. (Not recommended)
plant_r1041_5khz_C_epoch4.ckpt: model trained using rice R10.4.1(5kHz) data for detecting 5mC at CG/CHG/CHH. The use of this model requires the use of parameters --motifs C --seq_len 13 --signal_len 15
. (recommend)
Example data, including training data and test data, can be downloaded from (google drive). Example data from the human genome HG002.
To call modifications, the raw fast5 files should be basecalled (Guppy(version <=6.2.1)), and the raw pod5 files should be basecalled (Dorado). Belows are commands to call 5mC in CG (you can use --motifs to change, for example --motifs CHH):
Demo commands of using Dorado and deepsignal3 to call 5mC from POD5 files:
# 1. dorado basecall using GPU
dorado basecaller dna_r9.4.1_e8_sup@v3.3/ --emit-moves --device cuda:all pod5/ --reference chm13v2.0.fa > demo.bam --batchsize 64
# 2. deepsignal3 call_mods
deepsignal3 --pod5 call_mods --input_path pod5/ --bam demo.bam --model_path *.ckpt --result_file pod5.CG.call_mods.tsv --nproc 32 --nproc_gpu 4 --seq_len 21 --signal_len 15 -b 8192
deepsignal3 call_freq --input_path pod5.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file pod5.CG.call_mods.frequency.tsv
Demo commands of using Guppy and deepsignal3 to call 5mC from FAST5 files:
# Higher versions of Guppy no longer support the output format fast5
# Download and unzip the example data and pre-trained models.
# 1. guppy basecall using GPU
guppy_basecaller -i multi_fast5s/ -r -s fast5s_guppy/ --config dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac_prom.cfg --device CUDA:0 --fast5_out
# multi_fast5s/ is the folder where hg002.r10.4.test.fast5 is stored
# fast5s_guppy/ is the output folder
# 2. deepsignal3 call_mods
# CG
deepsignal3 call_mods --input_path fast5s_guppy/ --model_path *.ckpt --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --reference_path chm13v2.0.fa --motifs CG --nproc 32 --nproc_gpu 4 -b 8192
deepsignal3 call_freq --input_path fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.frequency.tsv
If raw file is pod5, before run deepsignal, the raw reads should be basecalled (Dorado).
For the example data:
# 1. basecall using GPU
dorado basecaller dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac@v4.1.0 --device cuda:0 --emit-moves pod5/ --reference reference.fa > example.bam
# or using CPU
dorado basecaller dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac@v4.1.0 --device cpu --emit-moves pod5/ --reference reference.fa > example.bam
If the raw reads is in FAST5 format, before running deepsignal, the raw reads should be basecalled (Guppy(version <=6.2.1)).
For the example data:
# 1. basecall using GPU
guppy_basecaller -i multi_fast5s/ -r -s fast5s_guppy/ --config dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac_prom.cfg --device CUDA:0 --fast5_out
# or using CPU
guppy_basecaller -i multi_fast5s/ -r -s fast5s_guppy/ --config dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_hac_prom.cfg --fast5_out
To call modifications, either the extracted-feature file or the raw pod5 files (recommended) can be used as input.
For the example data:
# call 5mCpGs for instance
# extracted-feature file as input
deepsignal3 call_mods --input_path pod5s.CG.features.tsv --model_path human.r10.4.CG.epoch7.ckpt --result_file pod5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --motifs CG --nproc 32 --nproc_gpu 4 -b 8192
# pod5 files as input, use GPU
deepsignal3 --pod5 call_mods --input_path pod5/ --bam demo.bam --model_path human.r10.4.CG.epoch7.ckpt --result_file pod5.CG.call_mods.tsv --nproc 32 --nproc_gpu 4 --seq_len 21 --signal_len 15 -b 8192
# fast5 files as input, use GPU
deepsignal3 call_mods --input_path fast5s_guppy --model_path human.r10.4.CG.epoch7.ckpt --result_file fast5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --reference_path chm13v2.0.fa --motifs CG --nproc 32 --nproc_gpu 4 -b 8192
The modification_call file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:
A modification-frequency file can be generated by call_freq
function with the call_mods file as input:
# call 5mCpGs for instance
# output in tsv format
deepsignal3 call_freq --input_path pod5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file pod5s.CG.call_mods.frequency.tsv
# output in bedMethyl format
deepsignal3 call_freq --input_path pod5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file pod5s.CG.call_mods.frequency.bed --bed
# use --sort to sort the results
deepsignal3 call_freq --input_path pod5s.CG.call_mods.tsv --result_file pod5s.CG.call_mods.frequency.bed --bed --sort
The modification_frequency file can be either saved in bedMethyl format (by setting --bed
as above), or saved as a tab-delimited text file in the following format by default:
Features of targeted sites can be extracted for training or testing.
For the example data, deepsignal3 extracts 21-mer-seq and 21*15-signal features of each CpG motif in reads by default.:
deepsignal3 --pod5 extract -i pod5/ --bam example.bam --reference_path chm13v2.0.fa -o pod5.CG.features.tsv --nproc 30 --motifs CG &
deepsignal3 extract -i fast5s_guppy --reference_path chm13v2.0.fa -o fast5s.CG.features.tsv --nproc 30 --motifs CG &
The extracted_features file is a tab-delimited text file in the following format:
A new model can be trained as follows:
# need to split training samples to two independent datasets for training and validating
# please use deepsignal3 train -h/--help for more details
deepsignal3 train --train_file /path/to/train/file --valid_file /path/to/valid/file --model_dir /dir/to/save/the/new/model
The following table shows the results of 5mCpG calling from publicly avaiable HG002 (R10.4.1) data (ONT Open Datasets). The Dorado version for comparison is 0.3.4 and the model version is dna_r10.4.1_e8.2_400bps_sup@v4.1.0. The following table shows the correlations with resutls of WGBS:
method | pearson | rsquare | spearman | RMSE | mean_coverage |
deepsignal | 0.9307 | 0.8662 | 0.8673 | 0.1413 | 4.5607 |
dorado | 0.9229 | 0.8518 | 0.8687 | 0.1465 | 4.2188 |
The following table shows the read-level performance:
method | TP | FN | TN | FP | accuracy | recall | specificity | precision |
deepsignal | 97094.4 | 2905.6 | 98097.0 | 1903.0 | 0.9760 | 0.9709 | 0.9810 | 0.9808 |
dorado | 93991.4 | 6008.6 | 99265.8 | 734.2 | 0.9663 | 0.9399 | 0.9927 | 0.9922 |
Please try adding ont-vbz-hdf-plugin to your environment as follows when all fast5s failed in tombo resquiggle
and/or deepsignal3 call_mods
. Normally it will work after setting HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH
# download ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz (or newer version) and set HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH
tar zxvf ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux-x86_64.tar.gz
export HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH=/abslolute/path/to/ont-vbz-hdf-plugin-1.0.1-Linux/usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin