Pengxiao-Wang / Style2Paints_V3

Reimplementation of Style2Paints V3
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Pytorch Reimplementation of Style2Paints V3 ([]())


figure 1_1
figure 1_2
figure 2_1
figure 2_2
figure 3_1
figure 3_2
figure 4_1
figure 4_2
figure 5_1
figure 5_2
figure 6_1
figure 6_2
figure 7_1
figure 7_2
figure 8_1
figure 8_2
figure 9_1
figure 9_2

Step1 : Dataset Simulation

​ One should modify simulate_step*.ipynd or simulate_step*.py with your own data path before runing this script.

Simulate_step1 : Random Region Proposal and Pasting

​ See script : simulate_step1.ipynb

Simulate_step2 : Random transform

​ See script : simulate_step2.ipynb

Simulate_step3 : Random color spray

​ I merged this part with the Pytorch data-loader. Refer to ./Pytorch-Style2paints/

Effect Picture

Ground truth
Color draft

User hints

I chose [0, 20) user hints from the ground truth randomly, and pasted them on a hint map with 3 channels( RGB while the paper used RGBA )

Ground truth
User hints

Network structure


​ Just run Don't forget to modify the easydict in the script!

​ All the hyper-parameters are chosen as same as the original paper.

args = easydict.EasyDict({
    'epochs' : 100,
    'batch_size' : 16,
    'train_path' : 'train data path'#'./your train data path/train',
    'val_path' : 'val data path'#'./your val data path/val',
    'sketch_path' : 'sketch path'#"./your sketch data path/sketch",
    'draft_path' : 'STL path'#"./your STL data path/STL",
    'save_path' : 'result path'#"./your save path/results" ,
    'img_size' : 270,
    're_size' : 256,
    'learning_rate' : 1e-5,
    'gpus' : '[0,1,2,3]',
    'lr_steps' : [5, 10, 15, 20],
    "lr_decay" : 0.1,
    'lamda_L1' : 0.01,
    'workers' : 16,
    'weight_decay' : 1e-4

Output of the data-loader & I/O of the Model


for i, (input, df, gt) in enumerate(train_loader):

Input : (batch_size, 4, 256, 256) : sketch(1 channel) + hint map(3 channels)

df : (batch_size, 3, 224, 224) : simulated data which is the input of Inception V1

gt: (batch_size, 3, 256, 256) : ground truth

I/O of the Inception V1:

INPUT: df : (batch_size, 3, 224, 224) : simulated data which is the input of Inception V1

OUTPUT: latent code (batch_size, 1024, 1, 1)

I/O of the Style2Paints_V3:

INPUT: Input : (batch_size, 4, 256, 256) : sketch(1 channel) + hint map(3 channels)

OUTPUT: output : (batch_size, 3, 256, 256) : colorized manuscripts