PennyLaneAI / qml

Introductions to key concepts in quantum programming, as well as tutorials and implementations from cutting-edge quantum computing research.
Apache License 2.0
512 stars 182 forks source link
autograd automatic-differentiation demo key-concepts neural-networks pytorch qml quantum-chemistry quantum-computing quantum-machine-learning tensorflow tutorials

This repository contains materials on Quantum Machine Learning and other quantum computing topics, as well as Python code demos using PennyLane, a cross-platform Python library for differentiable programming of quantum computers.

The content here will be presented in the form of tutorial, demos and how-to's. Take a dive into quantum computing with fully-coded implementations of major works.

Explore these materials on our website: All tutorials are fully executable, and can be downloaded as Jupyter notebooks and Python scripts.


You can contribute by submitting a demo via a pull request implementing a recent quantum computing paper/result.

Adding demos

In order to see the demo on the deployment, you can access through the url. For this, once deployed, you should change index.html to demos/<name of your tutorial>.html in the url. If your demo uses the latest release of PennyLane, simply make your PR against the master branch. If you instead require the cutting-edge development versions of PennyLane or any relevant plugins, make your PR against the dev branch instead.

By submitting your demo, you consent to our Privacy Policy.

Tutorial guidelines

While you are free to be as creative as you like with your demo, there are a couple of guidelines to keep in mind.

Dependency Management

Due to the large scope of requirements in this repository, the traditional requirements.txt file is being phased out and pyproject.toml is being introduced instead, the goal being easier management in regard to adding/updating packages.

To install all the dependencies locally, poetry needs to be installed. Please follow the official installation documentation.

Installing dependencies

Once poetry has been installed, the dependencies can be installed as follows:

make environment

Note: This makefile target calls poetry install under the hood, you can pass any poetry arguments to this by passing the POETRYOPTS variable.

make environment POETRYOPTS='--sync --dry-run --verbose'

The master branch of QML uses the latest stable release of PennyLane, whereas the dev branch uses the most up-to-date version from the GitHub repository. If your demo relies on that, install the dev dependencies instead by upgrading all PennyLane and its various plugins to the latest commit from GitHub.

# Run this instead of running the command above
make environment UPGRADE_PL=true

Installing only the dependencies to build the website without executing demos

It is possible to build the website without executing any of the demo code using make html-norun (More details below).

To install only the base dependencies without the executable dependencies, use:

make environment BASE_ONLY=true

(This is the equivalent to the previous method of pip install -r requirements_norun.txt).

Adding / Editing dependencies

All dependencies need to be added to the pyproject.toml. It is recommended that unless necessary, all dependencies be pinned to as tight of a version as possible.

Add the new dependency in the [] section of the toml file.

Once pyproject.toml files have been updated, the poetry.lock file needs to be refreshed:

poetry lock --no-update

This command will ensure that there are no dependency conflicts with any other package, and everything works.

The --no-update ensures existing package versions are not bumped as part of the locking process.

If the dependency change is required in prod, open the PR against master, or if it's only required in dev, then open the PR against the dev branch, which will be synced to master on the next release of PennyLane.

Adding / Editing PennyLane (or plugin) versions

This process is slightly different from other packages. It is due to the fact that the master builds use the stable releases of PennyLane as stated in the pyproject.toml file. However, for dev builds, we use the latest commit from GitHub.

Adding a new PennyLane package (plugin)


To build the website locally, simply run make html. The rendered HTML files will now be available in _build/html. Open _build/html/index.html to browse the built site locally.

Note that the above command may take some time, as all demos will be executed and built! Once built, only modified demos will be re-executed/re-built.

Alternatively, you may run make html-norun to build the website without executing demos, or build only a single demo using the following command:

sphinx-build -D sphinx_gallery_conf.filename_pattern=tutorial_QGAN\.py -b html . _build

where tutorial_QGAN should be replaced with the name of the demo to build.

Building and running locally on Mac (M1)

To install dependencies on an M1 Mac and build the QML website, the following instructions may be useful.

Once this is complete, you should be able to build the website using make html-norun. If this succeeds, the build folder should be populated with files. Open index.html in your browser to view the built site.

If you are running into the error message

command not found: sphinx-build

you may need to make the following change:

If you are running into the error message

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'the-module-name'

you may need to install the module manually:

pip3 install the-module-name


If you are having issues, please let us know by posting the issue on our GitHub issue tracker.

We are committed to providing a friendly, safe, and welcoming environment for all. Please read and respect the Code of Conduct.


The materials and demos in this repository are free and open source, released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

The file is available under the BSD 3-Clause License with Copyright (c) 2017, Pytorch contributors.