Peralban / Zappy

second year end project
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Zappy Server

A server, created in C, that generates the inhabitants’ world.


USAGE: ./zappy_server -p port -x width -y height -n name1 name2 ... -c clientsNb -f freq --auto-start on|off --display-eggs true|false [-v | --verbose]
    port        is the port number
    width       is the width of the world
    height      is the height of the world
    nameX       is the name of the team X
    clientsNb   is the number of authorized clients per team
    freq        is the reciprocal of time unit for execution of actions
    auto-start  does the greeting is send automaticly #(see bonus part)
    display-eggs    eggs are visible and destructible

The server is executed in the form of one, single process and one, single thread. It must use select to handle socket multiplexing; the select must unlock only if something happen on a socket or if an event is ready to be executed.

The team name GRAPHIC is reserved for the GUI to authenticate itself as such to the server.

AI protocol

Each player responds to the following actions and only to these ones, with the following syntax :

Action Command Time limit Response
move up one tile Forward 7/f ok
turn 90° right Right 7/f ok
turn 90° left Left 7/f ok
look around Look 7/f [tile1, tile2,...]
inventory Inventory 1/f [linemate n, sibur n, ...]
broadcast text Broadcast text 7/f ok
number of team unused slots __Connect_nbr__ - value
fork a player Fork 42/f ok
eject players from this tile Eject 7/f ok/ko
death of a player - - dead
fork a player Fork 42/f ok
take object Take object 7/f ok/ko
set object down Set object 7/f ok/ko
start incantation Incantation 300/f Elevation underway Current level: k/ko

In case of a bad/unknown command, the server must answer “ko”.

The AI client’s connection to the server happens as follows:

1. the client opens a socket on the server’s port,

2. the server and the client communicate the following way:
    Server --> WELCOME\n
           <-- TEAM-NAME\n
           --> game informations (see tha above array)

X and Y indicate the world’s dimensions.

CLIENT-NUM indicates the number of slots available on the server for the TEAM-NAME team. If this number is greater than or equal to 1, a new client can connect.

The client can send up to 10 requests in a row without any response from the server. Over 10, the server will drop the incomming commands.

The server executes the client’s requests in the order they were received.

The requests are buffered and a command’s execution time only blocks the player in question.

Trantorians have adopted an international time unit. The time unit is seconds.

An action’s execution time is calculated with the following formula:

action / f

Where f is an integer representing the reciprocal (multiplicative inverse) of time unit.

For instance, if f=1, “forward” takes 7 / 1 = 7 seconds.

By default f=100.

GUI protocol

X width or horizontal position
Y height or vertical position
q0 resource 0 (food) quantity
q1 resource 1 (linemate) quantity
q2 resource 2 (deraumere) quantity
q3 resource 3 (sibur) quantity
q4 resource 4 (mendiane) quantity
q5 resource 5 (phiras) quantity
q6 resource 6 (thystame) quantity
n player number
O orientation: 1(N), 2(E), 3(S), 4(W)
L player or incantation level
e egg number
T time unit
N name of the team
R incantation result
M message
i resource number

msz X Y\n msz\n map size new GUI client connection or msz command
bct X Y q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6\n bct X Y\n content of a tile bct command
bct X Y q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6\n * nbr_tiles mct\n content of the map (all the tiles) new GUI client connection or mct command or map refill
tna N\n * nbr_teams tna\n name of all the teams new GUI client connection
pnw #n X Y O L N\n connection of a new player new GUI client connection new AI client connection
ppo n X Y O\n ppo #n\n player’s position ppo command AI left, right forward action or AI is ejected
plv n L\n plv #n\n player’s level new GUI client connection or plv command AI sucessfully incantate
pin n X Y q0 q1 q2 q3 q4 q5 q6\n pin #n\n player’s inventory new GUI client connection or pin command new AI client connection or AI set, take action or AI lost food
pex n\n expulsion AI eject action
pbc n M\n broadcast AI broadcast action
pic X Y L n n ...\n start of an incantation (by the first player) AI incantation action
pie X Y R\n end of an incantation AI incatation end
pfk n\n egg laying by the player AI fork action
pdr n i\n resource dropping AI set action
pgt n i\n resource collecting AI take action
pdi n\n death of a player AI client disconnection or AI lost all it's food
enw e n X Y\n an egg was laid by a player new GUI client connection AI fork action end (after 42/f)
ebo e\n player connection for an egg new AI client connection
edi e\n death of an egg egg is ejected by an AI
sgt T\n sgt\n time unit request new GUI client connection or sgt sst command
sst T\n sst T\n time unit modification
seg N\n end of game an AI team reach the victory conditions
smg M\n message from the server server send a message
suc\n unknown command empty or unknown command
sbp\n command parameter invalide command (wrong parameter.s)
eht e\n egg is mature new GUI client connection server create an egg or egg create by an AI become mature

The GUI client’s connection to the server happens as follows:

1. the client opens a socket on the server’s port,

2. the server and the client communicate the following way:
    Server --> WELCOME\n
           <-- GRAPHIC\n
           --> game informations (see the above array)



This ritual, which augments physical and mental capacities, must be done according to a particular rite: they must gather the following on the same unit of terrain:

The elevation begins as soon as a player initiates the incantation. The player who starts an incantation will receive ko if all the requirements are not satisfied and the incantation will be canceled, the player will receive the ko instantly after the initial server check (not at the end of the incantation duration).

which means that it will make the next action received by the server.

It is not necessary for the players to be on the same team; they only need to be of the same level. Every player with the corresponding level and present at the beginning and at the end of the incantation attain the higher level.

During the incantation, the participants can not make any action until the end of the rite.

At the end of the incantation, the exact quantity of resources needed by the rite are consumed.