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Service Manager Specification
Apache License 2.0
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Service Manager Specification

Build Status

Table of Contents

Notations and Terminology

Notational Conventions

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119.


This specification uses the terminology of the Open Service Broker (OSB) API.

Additionally, this specification defines the following terms:


With Cloud Landscapes becoming bigger and more diverse, managing services is getting more difficult and new challenges arise:

A standardized way is needed for managing broker registrations and propagating them to the registered Platform Instances when necessary. Also there should be a mechanism for tracking service instances creation that allows sharing of service instances across Platform Instances.

How it works

The Service Manager consists of multiple parts. The main part is the core component. It is the central registry for service broker and platform registration, as well as for tracking of all service instances. This core component communicates with the registered brokers and acts as a platform per Open Service Broker specification for them.

In each Platform Instance resides a component called the Service Broker Proxy. It is the substitute for all brokers registered at the Service Manager in order to replicate broker registration and access visibility changes in the corresponding Platform Instance. It also delegates lifecycle operations to create/delete/bind/unbind service instances from the corresponding Platform Instance to the Service Manager and the services registered there.

When a broker is registered or deregistered at the Service Manager, the Service Broker Proxy registers or deregisters itself in the name of this service broker. From a Platform Instance point of view, the broker proxy is indistinguishable from the real broker because both implement the OSB API.

When the Platform Instance makes a call to the service broker, for example to provision a service instance, the broker proxy accepts the call, forwards it to the Service Manager, which in turn forwards it to the real broker. The response follows the same path back to the Platform Instance. Because all OSB calls go through the Service Manager, it can track all service instances and share them between Platform Instances.

Concept Details

Concept page to be added here.


API Specification