Perl-Evozon / PearlBee

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An open source blogging platform written in Perl - by Evozon, a Perl company.




You can try it for yourself! All you need is a Unix-based system and a few dependencies installed.

Installing / Updating perl modules


or, if cpanm is available (App::cpanminus on CPAN) run cpanm --installdeps . in the folder where PearlBee was checked out and the Makefile.PL is.

Creating database

You'll need to have installed and running either MySQL or MariaDB. Update the file db_patches/create_tables.sql, replacing 'username' and 'password' with the credentials you'd like the PearlBee system to use. Add these same credentials to the user and pass sections in config.yml.

At the terminal from the root application directory, run this command: mysql -u root -p < pearlbee/db_patches/create_tables.sql

An alternative way of setting up the db is by running this command: mysql -u root -p < pearlbee/db_patches/set_up_new_db.sql

That's it, now from within the root directory run the following command:

plackup -R lib/ bin/



And your blog is now running!



Once you have started your web server. Open your browser and go to the url http:://:5000/admin Use the default login / password to enter, you should change them before starting using the blog! via "My Account -> Profile".

user:     admin
password: asdf

PearlBee in the news

Is PearlBee Perl's next great blogging platform? - PerlTricks

Thank you for using PearlBee!