PersonalDataIO / CoronaRiskScoring

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This is an effort to have a broad and comparative discussion around risk scoring algorithms in Bluetooth based corona-tracking apps, highlighting subtle nuances in their conception and parametrization.

It is worth reminding all those going through those pages that:

We currently use the following color coding, which will evolve:

Project Twitter Authority Protocol Code Repository Reproducible Build Parameter Transparency Parameter Update Transparency COVID+ key repo
StopCovid #StopCovid France custom GitHub #f03c15 robert-server/#22 #f03c15 Not applicable
SwissCovid @SwissCovid, #SwissCovid @BAG_OFSP_UFSP, Switzerland Google/ Apple Exposure Notification GitHub #f03c15 #3 #f03c15 #13
ApturiCovid @apturicovid, #ApturiCovid Latvia Google/ Apple Exposure Notification #f03c15 #f03c15 #f03c15 #f03c15 security by obscurity
SmitteStop @apturicovid, #SmitteStop Statens Serum Institut, Denmark Google/ Apple Exposure Notification #f03c15 #f03c15 #f03c15 #f03c15 security by obscurity
Immuni #ImmuniApp, #Immuni Extraordinary Commissioner for the COVID-19 Emergency, Italy Google/ Apple Exposure Notification GitHub #f03c15 #5, Android v1, iOS v1 #f03c15 #14
ProteGo Safe #ProteGoSafe ??, Poland Google/ Apple Exposure Notification GitHub #f03c15 #6 #f03c15 #10
CoronaWarn #CoronaWarnApp @CoronaWarnApp Germany Google/ Apple Exposure Notification GitHub #f03c15 #7 #f03c15 #9
CovidTracker Ireland Google/ Apple Exposure Notification GitHub #f03c15 TBD TBD TBD
StoppCorona GitHub Austria See

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How to assist?

If you have experience contributing to or setting up a project such as this one, please provide suggestions on how to improve (for instance which features should we use?)