PeteHaitch / cometh

An R package with tools for analysing, managing and visualising co-methylation data. Loosely speaking, co-methylation is the correlation structure of DNA methylation.
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Methods definitions for CoMeth objects #4

Open PeteHaitch opened 10 years ago

PeteHaitch commented 10 years ago

Although CoMeth objects are based on SummarizedExperiment objects not all methods are identical between the two classes. This issue tracks three things:

  1. Which methods have been implemented for CoMeth objects.
  2. Whether these methods definitions are unique for CoMeth objects or inherited from other classes.
  3. Any methods a user might reasonably expect to be implemented for the CoMeth class that I have chosen not to implement.

A tick means the method has been implemented, either specifically for CoMeth objects or inherited from another class. A method is not considered to be implemented unless unit tests have also been written.

PeteHaitch commented 10 years ago

Methods for CoMeth objects to classify

From SummarizedExperiment

From BiocGenerics

PeteHaitch commented 10 years ago

Methods defined for CoMeth object that are inherited from SummarizedExperiment

A tick means that the method has been tested interactively and unit test(s) written.

PeteHaitch commented 10 years ago

Methods defined for CoMeth that are different to their definition for a SummarizedExperiment

A tick means the method has been implemented for CoMeth objects. The notes briefly describe the implementation.

PeteHaitch commented 10 years ago

Methods defined for CoMeth that do not exist for SummarizedExperiment

A tick means the method has been implemented for CoMeth objects. The notes briefly describe the implementation.

PeteHaitch commented 10 years ago

Methods that I will not implement for CoMeth objects

Notes describe reason.

PeteHaitch commented 10 years ago

Methods that I'm not sure what to do with