PeteHaitch / cometh

An R package with tools for analysing, managing and visualising co-methylation data. Loosely speaking, co-methylation is the correlation structure of DNA methylation.
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An R package with tools for analysing, managing and visualising DNA methlyation m-tuples and co-methylation data. DNA methlyation m-tuples are the methylation patterns at sets of adjacent methylation loci on the same DNA fragment and, loosely speaking, co-methylation is the correlation structure of DNA methylation.

This package is in early development. It requires the use of the development version of Bioconductor (instructions here). It can be installed (provided it is passing the Travis CI build) with:

biocLite(c('Biobase', 'S4Vectors', 'GenomeInfoDb', 'IRanges', 'GenomicRanges', 'BSgenome'))