PeterStaev / NativeScript-Drop-Down

A NativeScript DropDown widget.
Apache License 2.0
105 stars 65 forks source link

Aligment and Auto-resize dropdown #173

Closed HunterJS-bit closed 6 years ago

HunterJS-bit commented 6 years ago

Hello guys I have code here:

<GridLayout columns="*,200">
             <GridLayout   col="1"  columns="40,*,auto" class="right">
                <Label col="0" class="ab_headline_num" text="Length"  />
                <dd:DropDown col="1" id="filter-dd" color="black" items="{{ states }}"
                             selectedIndex="{{ index }}"
                             opened="dropDownOpened" closed="dropDownClosed"
                <Label col='2' class='ab_dropdown-arrow' style="color: #8F8F8F;" text="&#xf0d7;" />

state = ['test', 'teśssssssssssssssssssss', 'test2']; I would like GridLayout with class 'right' to ove to the right edge of the screen, and the items in dropdown to auto resize based on the length of text, how can I do this on IOS???

HunterJS-bit commented 6 years ago

Anybody ???

PeterStaev commented 6 years ago

@markomiljkovic I do not understand what you want to achieve. If you want to right align the text in the drop down then you need to apply text-align: right to the drop down style.

PeterStaev commented 6 years ago

No further response so closing this one for now. In case you still have problems, please provide more details.