PeterStaev / NativeScript-Drop-Down

A NativeScript DropDown widget.
Apache License 2.0
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Set drop-down displayed value on resume #206

Closed mrwrighty closed 5 years ago

mrwrighty commented 5 years ago

I have the option to remember the last choice when my app resumes, however I cannot get the drop-down to display the last selected value.

I create an appSettings value when the drop-down is initially selected and need to use this value to set the drop-down on resume.

Thanks in advance

PeterStaev commented 5 years ago

@mrwrighty , this is a very specific use case and I cannot say what might be wrong. I suspect there is a problem with your saved value or the items in the drop down are not loaded when you try to set the value. If you can create a reproducible example on the NS Playground might be able to see in more details what could be wrong.

PeterStaev commented 5 years ago

No further response so closing this one for now. In case you still have problems, please provide more details.