Introducing "FiveM-DiscordLogs", your ultimate tool for effortless event logging on FiveM servers. With seamless integration with Discord, this script makes logging detailed events a breeze. From player interactions to script events, capture it all with ease and precision.
folder.ensure petris-discordlogs
in a new code line. exports["petris-discordlogs"]:CreateLog({
category = "txadmin", -- (* required)
title = "txAdmin Logs", -- (* required)
action = "Player Banned",
color = "red",
players = { -- Players Table (id, role)
{ id = 1, role = "Admin"},
{ id = 2, role = "Target"},
info = { -- Event Information (name, value)
{ name = "Reason", value = "troller" },
takeScreenshot = true,
screenshotTargetId = 2
Contributions are welcome! Please submit a pull request if you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements. For significant changes, please open an issue to discuss the proposed changes.
If you encounter any issues or have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to open an issue.