Pett97 / BePsicologia

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WIKI - ## Peterson Henrique de Padua ## Rafael Rodrigutes Padilha ## BePsicologia " BePsicologia - Sistema para gerenciamento de consultas " ### DependĂȘncias - Docker - Docker Compose ### To run #### Clone Repository ``` $ git clone $ cd BePsicologia docker composer up ``` #### Need Create the folder logs/nginx with access.log and error.log ``` ``` #### Define the env variables ``` $ cp .env.example .env ``` #### Install the dependencies ``` $ docker compose run --rm composer install OR ./run composer ``` #### Up the containers ``` $ docker compose up -d ``` or ./run up #### Run the tests ``` $ docker compose run --rm php ./vendor/bin/phpunit tests --color or ./run test ``` #### Linters ``` ./run phpcs ./run phpcbf ./run phpstan ``` ### Database ``` ./run db:reset ./run db:populate ```