PgBiel / typst-tablex

More powerful and customizable tables in Typst
MIT License
370 stars 12 forks source link

Fill affects line strokes #68

Closed rkuemon closed 11 months ago

rkuemon commented 11 months ago

As you can see below, tablex handles line strokes differently when a cell is filled. The same happens when using cellx manually. The official table doesn't behave that way.

#import "@preview/tablex:0.0.5": *

  columns: (auto, auto),  
  stroke: 4pt,
  fill: (col, row) => if col == 0 { luma(240) },

  columns: (auto, auto),  
  stroke: 4pt,
  fill: (col, row) => if col == 0 { luma(240) },


PgBiel commented 11 months ago

Duplicate of #4.