PgBiel / typst-tablex

More powerful and customizable tables in Typst
MIT License
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The cli output is colored even when outputing to a file #99

Closed kompass closed 8 months ago

kompass commented 8 months ago
typst -vv compile cahier.typ >> log.log 2>&

The log.log file content is :

ESC[32m INFOESC[0m ESC[1mcompile_onceESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m ESC[2mtypst::compileESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m Starting compilation
ESC[32m INFOESC[0m ESC[1mcompile_onceESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0mESC[1mcompileESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m ESC[2mtypstESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m Layout iteration 0
ESC[32m INFOESC[0m ESC[1mcompile_onceESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0mESC[1mcompileESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0mESC[1mContent::layout_rootESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m ESC[2mtypst::layoutESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m Starting layout
ESC[32m INFOESC[0m ESC[1mcompile_onceESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0mESC[1mcompileESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0mESC[1mContent::layout_rootESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0mESC[1mDocumentElem::layout_rootESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m ESC[2mtypst::model::documentESC[0mESC[2m:ESC[0m Document layout

I have the same bug when piping the output of the command into less.

PgBiel commented 8 months ago

Hello, I believe you meant to open this issue in Typst's repository. Closing as this was probably an accident.